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LEV Testing

We provide LEV testing services across the UK

We conduct thorough checks and evaluations of your LEV systems, offering actionable insights anchored on the highest industry standards that underscore fume and dust control.

In the quest for a secure and health-conscious workplace environment, the significance of Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems is paramount. These systems are ingeniously crafted to capture and eliminate hazardous airborne particles like dust, fumes, vapours, and gases, thus safeguarding employees from potential health hazards. The cornerstone of maintaining the efficacy of LEV systems lies in regular testing. This guide, presented by WBT Services, delves into LEV testing—its essence, necessity, and the process involved, all while emphasising the bespoke services WBT Services offers to ensure workplace safety.

What is LEV Testing?

LEV testing, as conducted by WBT Services, is a meticulous and systematic evaluation of an LEV system, aimed at verifying its efficiency in managing hazardous substances and safeguarding workers from detrimental exposure. This process underscores our commitment to ensuring systems are up to standard, aligning with regulations, industry benchmarks, and Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines.

What is COSHH Testing?

COSHH Testing, an essential component of workplace safety, focuses on assessing and controlling substances hazardous to health under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. This form of testing evaluates the effectiveness of control measures in place to limit exposure to harmful substances, ensuring that the workplace adheres to legal standards and promotes a healthy environment for employees. By identifying potential risks and implementing appropriate control strategies, a COSHH test plays a crucial role in preventing occupational diseases and maintaining a safe working space.

Why is Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing Important?

Compliance and safety drive the necessity for LEV testing, mandated to occur at least every 14 months to uphold the system's efficiency and guarantee a secure working environment. WBT Services recognises the critical nature of these evaluations, not only to fulfil legal obligations but to avert occupational illnesses and uphold a culture of safety.

LEV Regulations

LEV testing regulations are integral to ensuring workplace safety by mandating the control of hazardous substances to prevent employee exposure. Governed by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, these rules require employers to assess risks, implement appropriate control measures, and maintain LEV units in efficient working order. Specifically, the regulations stipulate that LEV systems must be thoroughly examined and tested at least every 14 months to confirm their effectiveness in capturing and removing contaminants. This rigorous testing ensures that an LEV unit continues to operate as intended, protecting workers from harmful dust, fumes, vapours, and gases. Compliance with LEV regulations is not just a legal obligation but a fundamental aspect of creating a safe and healthy working environment, emphasising the importance of regular LEV inspections, maintenance, and documentation to uphold safety standards and prevent occupational diseases.

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The LEV Inspection/Testing Process

The LEV testing process involves several steps that are conducted by competent individuals who possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience. Let's take a closer look at each stage of the process:

1. Visual Examination and Component Testing

During the visual examination, the examiner meticulously inspects various components of the LEV system, including filters, ducting, and hoods. The purpose is to ensure that all components are in good working order, free from damage or blockages that may affect the system's performance. Component testing is also conducted to verify the functionality and effectiveness of these elements.

2. Airflow Measurements

Airflow measurements are a critical part of LEV testing as they determine the system's ability to capture and remove contaminants effectively. Various methods can be employed to measure airflow, including the use of airflow indicators, anemometers, dust lamps, or smoke tracers. These measurements provide valuable insights into the performance of the LEV system and help identify any areas that require improvement.

3. Particle Count Testing

Particle count testing involves analysing the particles captured within the LEV system to assess its efficiency in removing contaminants. This test helps determine the system's ability to control exposure and provides valuable data for evaluating its overall effectiveness.

4. Reporting and Recommendations

Following the examination and testing, the examiner prepares a detailed report that outlines the test procedures, results, and any recommendations for improvement. The report serves as a crucial document for record-keeping and must be retained for a minimum of 5 years. It also provides valuable insights for employers to address any identified issues and make necessary adjustments to ensure compliance and worker safety.

LEV Testing Frequency

LEV systems must be tested at least once every 14 months according to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations. However, it's important to note that more frequent testing may be required for specific applications or industries depending on the level of risk involved. Regular testing helps ensure that LEV systems are continuously maintained and provide optimum protection for workers.

The Benefits of LEV Testing

A regular LEV test offers several benefits for both employers and employees. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Compliance with legal requirements: By conducting an LEV test, employers fulfil their legal obligations and demonstrate their commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Protection of employee health: LEV systems are designed to control hazardous substances and prevent occupational diseases. Testing ensures that these systems are functioning effectively, protecting employees from potential health risks.
  • Insurance validity: Many insurance policies require LEV systems to be regularly tested. Compliance with testing requirements helps maintain insurance coverage and prevents potential issues in the event of claims.
  • Cost savings: By identifying and addressing any issues or inefficiencies in the LEV system, testing can help optimise its performance, leading to potential energy savings and reduced maintenance costs.
  • Peace of mind: An LEV test provides reassurance to employers and employees that the workplace is safe and compliant with health and safety regulations.

Choosing a Competent LEV Testing Service

To ensure an accurate and reliable LEV test, it is crucial to engage a competent and experienced testing service. A competent person, as defined by the HSE, possesses the necessary training, skills, experience, and knowledge to perform LEV testing safely and effectively. When selecting a testing service, consider the following factors:

  • Expertise and qualifications: Look for a service provider with a proven track record and relevant qualifications in LEV testing. Check for certifications or accreditations from recognised organisations or professional bodies.
  • Experience in your industry: Choose a testing service that has experience working with LEV systems in your specific industry or sector. This ensures they have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and requirements related to your workplace.
  • Comprehensive testing procedures: Ensure that the testing service follows a systematic and thorough approach to an LEV test, including visual examination, component testing, airflow measurements, and particle count testing.
  • Clear reporting and recommendations: The testing service should provide clear and detailed reports that outline the test procedures, results, and any recommendations for improvement. The report should be easily understandable and provide actionable insights for compliance and system enhancement.

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LEV Testing Cost

The cost of an LEV test can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity and size of the LEV system, the location of the premises, and the extent of the testing required. Typically, businesses can expect to pay anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand pounds per system tested. This price range accounts for the comprehensive evaluation process, which includes visual inspections, airflow measurements, and possibly particle count testing, among other assessments conducted by qualified professionals. While the initial expense might seem significant, investing in regular LEV testing is crucial for maintaining a safe working environment, ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations, and potentially avoiding much higher costs associated with non-compliance fines, workplace illnesses, or insurance claims. Businesses are encouraged to view LEV testing not just as a regulatory obligation but as a valuable investment in their operational integrity and the well-being of their employees.

Other Services Related to LEV Testing

LEV System Inspection

The LEV System Inspection is a critical part of maintaining the effectiveness of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems. This inspection involves a thorough examination of the LEV components, including hoods, ducts, filters, and fans, to ensure they are in optimal condition and functioning correctly. The objective is to identify any signs of wear, damage, or blockage that could impair the system's performance, ensuring that it continues to provide adequate protection against hazardous substances.

LEV Equipment

LEV Equipment encompasses the various components and machinery that make up Local Exhaust Ventilation systems. This equipment is designed to capture and remove airborne contaminants at their source, preventing them from entering the workplace environment. Key components include extraction hoods, ducting, air cleaners, and fans, each playing a vital role in the system's overall effectiveness. Regular maintenance and inspection of LEV Equipment are crucial to ensure that these systems continue to operate efficiently and effectively.

LEV Engineering

LEV Engineering refers to the specialised field focused on the design, implementation, and maintenance of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems. This discipline involves applying engineering principles to create systems that effectively control exposure to hazardous substances, ensuring a safe working environment. An LEV Engineer works closely with industries to assess risks, design custom ventilation solutions, and oversee the installation and operation of these systems, ensuring they meet regulatory standards and workplace safety requirements.

LEV Servicing

LEV Servicing is an essential maintenance activity that ensures the continued effectiveness and efficiency of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems. Regular servicing includes cleaning, repairing, or replacing components, checking system performance, and ensuring that the system complies with legal and safety standards. By conducting periodic LEV Servicing, employers can prevent system failures, maintain optimal performance, and ensure the health and safety of their workforce.

LEV Design

LEV Design involves the planning and creation of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems tailored to specific workplace requirements. This process takes into account the type of contaminants, the layout of the workplace, and the effectiveness of contaminant capture and removal. A well-designed LEV system is crucial for ensuring that hazardous substances are effectively controlled, thereby minimising the risk of exposure to employees and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations.

LEV Insurance

LEV Insurance refers to policies that cover the specific risks associated with the operation and maintenance of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems. This insurance can protect businesses from the financial implications of system failures, non-compliance fines, and health claims related to exposure to hazardous substances. By securing LEV Insurance, businesses can mitigate the risks associated with their LEV systems, ensuring that they are financially protected against potential liabilities.


At WBT Services, we understand the critical role LEV testing plays in maintaining a safe and compliant workplace. Our tailored services, from design to installation and testing, ensure your LEV systems function at their best, safeguarding your workforce and securing regulatory compliance. Reach out to WBT Services today to explore our comprehensive LEV solutions designed to elevate your workplace safety. For all your LEV system needs, including design, installation, servicing, and testing, WBT Services Ltd is here to help. With our expertise and experience, we deliver tailored solutions that effectively control hazardous substances, protecting your workers and ensuring regulatory compliance. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive range of services and solutions.


LEV Testing Meaning

LEV testing, short for Local Exhaust Ventilation testing, refers to the comprehensive evaluation of ventilation systems designed to remove hazardous substances like dust, fumes, vapours, and gases directly from the workplace environment, preventing them from being inhaled by workers. This critical assessment ensures that the LEV systems are operating effectively and efficiently, meeting both legal and safety standards. Through visual inspections, airflow measurements, and contaminant capture assessments, LEV testing verifies the system's capacity to protect employee health by controlling exposure to hazardous substances. It's an essential practice mandated by health and safety regulations to maintain a safe working environment and to prevent occupational diseases.

LEV Meaning in Safety

In the context of workplace safety, "LEV" stands for Local Exhaust Ventilation, a critical system designed to safeguard employees by effectively removing hazardous substances such as dust, fumes, vapours, and gases from the air. These systems aim to capture contaminants at their source before they can spread into the workplace environment and be inhaled by workers, thereby preventing exposure to potentially harmful agents. The significance of LEV in safety lies in its role in ensuring a healthier working atmosphere, reducing the risk of occupational diseases, and complying with health and safety regulations. By controlling airborne hazards, LEV systems are fundamental to maintaining a safe and compliant workplace, highlighting the importance of their design, implementation, and regular maintenance.

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Epsilon House The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD+44 7540 706 975

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